Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fitness on the fly...

I got in some unexpected cardio today - 2 miles of walking on my lunch. Took about 35 minutes or so, and it's nice out, but WARM. Walking, dressed for work, in the warmth = lots of sweating. Ew.
Now, I love a good sweat. I feel SO good when I workout and I am dripping after, but NOT when I have to go back to work for the second half of my day. Thank goodness I have good deodorant. Was that TMI?
I was expecting a kick-ass Tuff Girl workout this evening, but it has been cancelled - and for very good reason. Our Tuff Girl leader, Christa Doran is HAVING HER BABY! HOORAY FOR MAMA AND BABY DORAN! I've been thinking of her all day and praying that things go well for the both of them.

Anyway, because of my change in plans, I will find a good workout OnDemand... Stephanie Vitorino has a 6 round bootcamp type workout. I mean, check her out - she looks like she knows her stuff, no? I did this workout a while ago that was TOUGH - and I think I'll kick my own ass tonight.
Food has been very good today, exercise you already know about... so, it's going well so far. No eating things I shouldn't...which, by the way, I have found a help for - Usually after meals, I get an overwhelming craving for something sweet... and frankly, the past few weeks (read: months) I have on occasion indulged that craving... now, I don't want to sound like a commercial, but I keep gum in my desk, and as soon as that craving hits, I have a piece and it totally has been helping me get my mind off it. PLUS, it keeps my mouth busy for a while, so I don't start sticking things in it I shouldn't

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