Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Weekend Wrap-up

It was a lovely, long weekend. Thank you to all of the service men and women for all that you do for our freedom! My father, step father, grandfathers all served in the military. I am incredibly humbled by the people who chose to sacrifice so much for us.

This weekend was a lot about hair. 

My new re-do. Love it!

Thing1 and Thing 2 also got cuts. They went a little something like this:

Yup. They got Mohawks. It's a long story, but hey, it's only hair. And they love it!

Confession: so do I. If I could get one, I would. Something tells me my boss wouldn't appreciate it. 


And Mohawks weren't enough, they needed tattoos, too. So Dada gave them some.

Then we played with guns (the water kind):
It was hot yesterday
Yup. If you had told me 7 years ago I would have 2 boys that would simultaneously have Mohawks, tattoos and guns, I would have laughed. Or cried. Whatever.

My knee is still being a bitch. Pain on the medial side of the right knee. So, I made up a workout to minimize use of my knee, and maximize sweat:

No-knees workout

Round 1 4:00 minutes

50 band upper cuts
40 second plank

Round 2 4:00

20 ground zero jumps --
10 stone DL ------------- I tried this round and after the first set, my knee was screaming. So, I skipped it and kept moving. I subbed in some planks and more upper cuts

about 65 lbs

terrible pic courtesy of my Thing 1

Round 3 4:00

20 band press
40 second side plank
40 second side plank

Round 4 4:00

20 band rows
20 pull-throughs

Round 5 4:00

10 front and side raise with band
5 push-ups

Not bad for 20 minutes.

Yeah, my neighbors think I am certifiable. I see them peaking. Ha!

My kids get in there with me. I love it! Thing 1 starts doing burpees and wants to practice to be American Ninja Warrior. Sweet. He was setting up obstacles to do (jumping over buckets, rolling, headstands, etc). It was awesome.

About that pic of me with the rock. It's horrible. I mean, really awful. Hair is a mess, I look huge. But, I am posting it because it's me. The real me, holding 65 lbs worth of rock. No, I don't look like I want to, but I've come a long way. 

Keep moving forward, guys...


  1. Looking good!!!! And those mohawks look fantastic by the way!!

    Anyways just wanted to let you know I'm back in the blogging world and happy to know you are still on it!!! My new blog is if you'd like to drop by :)

    Have a good one


  2. I love the Mohawks! You totally should have gotten one too :) It's great your boys wanted to be with you and join you during your workout.
