"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
The serenity to accept - this is a toughie. I have a very hard time accepting things and moving on. Some might call it "giving it to God". Why can't I let things go? I hold on to them and let them eat me up inside. We (my job) lost a little baby this weekend, and I can't stop thinking about the pain and loss this poor family is enduring. I have never met them, but I cry at the thought of this loss. These kinds of things build up in me. I am continually striving to "let things go".
Courage to change - well, this is a dozy, right? I mean, aren't we all here for change? But the courage... the courage to actually change is what is important. You can just *try* to change... and "just trying" doesn't cut it. But, when you muster your courage to make major changes, and KEEP your courage - that is when real change happens. Courage is hard.
Wisdom to know - wouldn't we all like to think we have wisdom? I would love to think that. But I am learning (gaining wisdom) that along this path, this wisdom is only something you gain by experience. I have not had enough experience to have the wisdom to know the difference between something I can change, and something I need to give to God. Those who think they are wise, are, well, probably not. Profound, huh?
Many people know the Serenity Prayer. I have been saying it a lot lately. And not just saying it, but really trying to believe it and live with it.
The weekend was hard. I had a slip - well, I would call it a relapse - and I am feeling blue. But what I have discovered is that *this weekend* wasn't the issue. It was the problems leading up to the weekend. I wasn't letting ANYTHING go. I was keeping it all in, festering. Every mean patient phone call, all the anger, resentment, sadness, disappointment. Feeling all of these things because of situations I CAN NOT CHANGE. I have NO CONTROL, and yet I let these things live in me and burn me up.
There is NO wisdom in this.
I am a work in progress. I always will be, because no one is perfect. I can only be the best me that I can be. The best me I can be is someone who is not taken over by food and sugar.
Accept with both hands open. We cannot truly accept if we are still holding on. Painful lesson to learn but it is the one I needed the most.