Friday, April 8, 2011

Down day

I'm having a really hard day today. You know when you just have one of those days that everything starts to build up? Little things go wrong from the moment you wake up and just keep piling... kids are unruly, whining, Thing 2 spit up all over me when we were walking out the door, already late, mind you, forgot my cell phone... I didn't get into the finals of a blog "competition" (I don't know what else to call it)that I was really wanting, my stomach is bothering me, I'm off sugar, the cabaret show feels like it's hanging by a thread - a thread I would sometimes just like to sever myself - and my birthday came and went yesterday with... well... almost nothing.
When you are a kid, your birthday is magical. As it approaches, we get more and more excited, knowing we will be celebrated and we will be special, for at least that one day. You get older and that doesn't happen anymore. You get some "happy bithday"'s, which are really nice (thanks to Facebook). A few cards in the mail, my mom gave me a beautiful, thoughtful card and the hubs made me a card... but overall, it's just another day. Nothing special or magical anymore. The past few years this has gotten me down a little, but for some reason, I'm really sad about it this year.
Regardless of how I am feeling, I do have a resolve to get myself back on track with eating and getting back into my exercise regime after being sick for so long. I have logged all of my food for today, and plan on doing an aerobic video later. Nothing with strength training just yet, since while I was ill, I did some and it really killed me. I mean, my whole body hurt for days - probably because of the combo of the 2. So, tonight will be a Leslie Sansone walking DVD. I will put on the 5 mile and go as far as I can. I have planned all food except dinner, but I can take a look at what I have left in terms of calories later and make a good decision. Perhaps I'll take some time to make soup.
Anyway, overall feeling very down today. I'm glad it's Friday, although I work all weekend, so I don't know how it's any different from a Monday at this point.
Sorry to be a Debbie Downer - it's just how things are today.

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