Saturday, June 25, 2011

just a short update

Sooooo tired this evening. I should already be in bed, but the hubs is out for a walk, so I am waiting up for him. Besides, we put up a few baby items on free-cycle, and someone is coming to get them (2 hours late, mind you. *sigh*) I still have to shower from my sweaty, uphill run (YESSSSS!!!) so, bed won't be happening for at least another hour. Last night, Thing 2 was up for hours crying and crying because he is teething. So, needless to say, the hubs and I are exhausted. We still needed to get in our exercise, and we both did!
I REALLY wanted to go to my Tuff Girl workout this morning, but, in hour 2 of the screaming jag last night, I knew this morning wasn't going to happen. I did NOT want to "phone it in". Like I said in my last entry - it has to be WORTH it, otherwise, it simply doesn't count to me!
Eating is going very well. Grocery shopped this morning and filled the cart with plenty of fresh fruit and veggies, lean meats, low fat cheeses... good stuff! Staying away from the junk. Feeling so good about it. Usually being super tired would lead me right to the crap - but NO. The hubs hinted today at having some "junky food thoughts" but quickly followed it by saying "but I'm smacking them down!" Yea Hubby!!
Weekend already half over... church and teaching tomorrow until 1... after that, I don't know. Maybe some *gasp* free time??? I'm sure something will suck up all the free time.
Ugh, Ok. I can't even write anymore I'm so tired. Night all - till next time!

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